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The Wild Lost: Marquis of Vaudeville's Cobblestone Street team


An Illustrious Consortium of Wanderers, Wishers, Misfits, Misteriosos, Darers, Dreamers,
Oddlings, Outsiders, Eccentrics, and Otherwise Essentially Extraordinary Strange Folk...


A place for all Vaudevillains, those who escape through the mirror by way of musical mischief, and romp & revel to the unraveled reverie of Marquis of Vaudeville's music; a carnival for the curious, a circus for the singular, an astounding, extraordinary theatre for all those who desperately wish for something more than the mere mundane.


Join The Wild Lost on Patreon:

To be an awesome Vaudevillain within The Wild Lost:


  • Send direct messages to friends/familiars introducing them to the band/music.


  • Post on social media, message boards, and forums such as reddit introducing new people to the band/music.


  • Follow on all of our social media and SHARE/like/engage with posts.


  • Use MoV banners/logos/images on your own social media.


  • Reach out to venues/events/cons in your area introducing them to the band/music and ask them to have MoV perform.


  • Contact online and terrestrial radio stations, and request that they play MoV (If they're not familiar, make them familiar).


  • Contact any of the thousands of music publications/media outlets and request that they do a feature/review/interview of MoV. (Again, If they're not familiar, make them familiar.)


  • Print out any logos/images that say "Marquis of Vaudeville" and create fliers, paste them everywhere, hide them in books at bookstores/libraries, slip them in lockers, stuff them under doors.


  • Draw fan art, write poetry, songs, stories and create your own version of MoV related this & thats.


  • Be passionate about the music. Show others the way and teach them how they can also help.


  • Be kind, understanding, and awesome to one another within The Wild Lost. Build rapport and camaraderie with other Vaudevillains who share the same passion for the music.  Work together! Play together! Grow together!


Join The Wild Lost

Join The Wild Lost on Facebook:

Join The Wild Lost's clan in Destiny:




Fan Art

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